Accomplished basic administrava. Section 201 did not get CS account forms, which I will have for them on Tuesday. Section 202 did get the forms, and their accounts are all set up and ready to be given out on Tuesday.
Both sections completed the pre-knowledge survey, and the results fell on a very wide interval, as expected. Nobody knew everything, which means that everybody has something to learn from the class.
My biggest concern is checking of email. Students in this class must check email often, at about once per day, to be successful. If it is not part of the daily habit, it needs to become part of it, because it is simply necessary for success in this class as well as for improved Internet-life skills.
I pose a question to my students: how often do you check other sites? How often do you check facebook or myspace? Please email me with "91.113" in the subject and tell me a) how often you reported to check your email on the survey b) how often you check facebook, or whatever else it is you use online. If there is some other site you use or read everyday (or often) tell me that.
Topics covered in class included the client-server model of information exchange. We used the peer-to-peer model to compare/contrast. We also went over the process of DNS lookup the web browser goes through to fetch a website. Both sections saw a live demo of nslookup, but only 202 got to see the IP put directly in the browser.
Next week: history.